Rules for the Daily Scrum
The daily scrum is one of the primary inspect and adapt points in Scrum. The development team synchronizes on the work done and plans the work for the day.
This helps the team to self-organize to achieve the Sprint Goal by ensuring that work blockages can be addressed and resolved as fast as possible.
The Scrum Master makes sure that the Daily Scrum takes place. But it is not a meeting to report progress to the Scrum Master or someone else.
Here are the guidelines for the Daily Scrum:
Meetings are typically held in the same location and at the same time each day.
These meetings are strictly time-boxed to 15 minutes. This keeps the discussion brisk but relevant.
All team members are required to attend the daily meeting. This makes the standup meeting an excellent way for a team to disseminate information -- if you're interested in hearing where things are at, attend that day's meeting.
The daily meeting is not used as a problem-solving or issue resolution meeting. Issues that are raised are taken offline and usually dealt with by the relevant subgroup immediately after the meeting.
Each team member answers the following three questions:
What did you accomplish since the last meeting?
What are you working on until the next meeting?
What is getting in your way or keeping you from doing your job?
By focusing on what each person accomplished yesterday and will accomplish today, the team gains an excellent understanding of what work has been done and what work remains.